

The seminar is held as a block seminar.

Topic Assignments

Student Topic Advisor(s)
Matthias Kreiner Autonomous Exploration Simon Boche
Wenjie Zheng Real-Time Volumetric Mapping Simon Boche
Kameel Amareen Learning-based Differentiable SLAM Sebastián Barbas Laina
Junpeng Hu Large-Scale Volumetric Mapping Sebastián Barbas Laina
Alican Karaömer Implicit Mapping at Large Scale Hanzhi Chen
Muhammad Aman Bin Ahmad Tifli Open Vocabulary 3D Scene Understanding Hanzhi Chen
Xiaoyue Hu Learning the Human Distribution Simon Schaefer
Yu Wu BEV Map Based Perception for AD Simon Schaefer
Aleks Bohosyan Recent Advances in VI-SLAM Dr. Jaehyung Jung
Aleksandar Jevtic Learning-based Mult-Modal Perception Dr. Jaehyung Jung
Ran Ding Object-Level Perecption Jiaxin Wei
Fatemeh Shamsoddini Ardekani Depth Completion using RGB / RGB-D / LiDAR Jiaxin Wei
Sebastian Lederer Computationally Efficient NeRFs Hanzhi Chen & Simon Schaefer


Monday, 15.01.

Student Topic Time Slides
Aleks Bohosyan Recent Advances in VI-SLAM 14:00 -
Kameel Amareen Learning-based Differentiable SLAM 14:30 ka_diffslam.pdf
Wenjie Zheng Real-Time Volumetric Mapping 15:00 wz_3dmapping.pdf
- Break 15:30 -
Alican Karaömer Implicit Mapping at Large Scale 16:00 ak_implicitmappingatlargescale.pdf
Matthias Kreiner Autonomous Exploration 16:30 mk_exploration.pdf

Dienstag, 16.01.

Student Topic Time Slides
Ran Ding Object-Level Perecption 09:00 rd_objectlevelperception.pdf
Yu Wu BEV Map Based Perception for AD 09:30 yw_bev.pdf
Aleksandar Jevtic Learning-based Multi-Modal Perception 10:00 aj_multimodalperception.pdf
Muhammad Aman Bin Ahmad Tifli Open Vocabulary 3D Scene Understanding 10:30 open_vocabulary_3d_scene_understanding.pdf
Xiaoyue Hu Learning The Human Distribution 11:00 xh_human_distribution.pdf
Sebastian Lederer Computationally Efficient NeRFs 11:30 sl_efficient_nerfs.pptx